Published Dec 30, 2022


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Aldo Ocampo González



This paper analyzes the incommensurable and incommensurable nature of subalternity, which materializes a position without an identity whose intelligibility is complex, especially when we try to access the configurations of its ontopolitical schema. Subalternity constructs a binary opposition to the nation-state. It is necessary to fight for the production of new criteria of legibility of the educational and cultural subject. This problem is reduced to an obstruction in its ontopolitical and existential rules of intelligibility of a wide constellation of specific heterogeneous groups amalgamated through political, structural, relational, contingent and historical issues that determine their units of cultural legibility. The method employed is that of critical documentary review, organizing a critical corpus of review works derived from intercultural studies, subalternity and postcoloniality. Each of them are key to promote other types of epistemological performances in this regard. Among the main findings and conclusions, we note that subalternity documents a deeper methodological problem: we do not know exactly what the cultural and political agency of such groups consists of. The only thing we should not forget is that we, educators, are at the service of subaltern groups, our task is to learn from their environment, to become a disciple of their cultural space.


subalternidad, ontologías relacionales, material de inteligibilidad, procesos ontopolíticos, pluriversosubalternity, ontologies, relational ontologies, material of intelligibility, ontopolitical processes, pluriversesubalternidade, ontologias relacionais, material de inteligibilidade, processos ontopolíticos, pluriverso

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How to Cite
Ocampo González, A. (2022). Decolonial Tensions and Complexity of Sociocultural Knowledge of Subalternity . Universitas Humanística, 91.