Published Dec 30, 2022


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Dayro León Quintero López



This article analyzes the plural relationship between space and culture, and the ways in which children’s representations and practices are questioned from this relationship. The concept of production of space is used, with which the trialectic association between the conceived, the appropriated and the practiced that underlies the construction of culture in early childhood, through spatial attributes, is proposed. The methodological design contemplated school ethnography, to explore the space of saying, saying in space in Buen Comienzo, a program of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín. Finally, some recurrences, discontinuities and tensions of the attributes of space for the construction of culture in early childhood are presented.


cultura, educación, espacio, infanciasculture, education, space, childhoodcultura, educação, espaço, infâncias

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How to Cite
Quintero López, D. L. (2022). The Attributes of Space and the Construction of Cultural Context in Early Childhood. Universitas Humanística, 91.