Published Dec 30, 2022


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Guilherme Fellipin

Marco Antônio de Almeida



The purpose of this article is to analyze the processes of knowledge construction in contemporary society. Two axes of reflection are considered: first, the development of knowledge perspectives with respect to the western cultural matrix, which recognize that the interpretation of reality changes according to social dynamics. These seek to broaden the layers of complexity in the understanding of the social. Second, the challenges derived from the neutralization of subjectivity and the annulment of experience, exacerbated in the digital era of the 21st century, and the emergence of more reflexive social forms of knowledge construction. These include new collective subjects and the results of debates around decolonial, environmental and gender issues. The text makes a brief tour through the historical context and the development of the current theoretical discussion on the subject. Finally, the importance of the discussion on knowledge construction mechanisms that break with the cultural hegemony of neutralization of the intersubjective experience becomes evident. On the contrary, it is proposed that it should be retaken as a motor of culture.


conocimiento, experiencias, pensamiento decolonial, subjetividades, saberes tradicionalesknowledge, experiences, decolonial thought, subjectivities, traditional knowledgeconhecimento, experiência, pensamento decolonial, subjetividades, saberes tradicionais

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How to Cite
Fellipin, G., & de Almeida, M. A. (2022). Challenges and Alternatives to the Neutralization of Subjectivity in the Culture of Modernity. Universitas Humanística, 91.