Published Mar 27, 2023


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Bairon Steve Peña Alfaro

Gloria Lucia Arango Bayer



Objective. To assess the psychometric properties of an instrument designed to measure the work environment for nursing care practice. Method. A four-phase methodological study: 1) item development and drafting, 2) expert face and content validity, 3) pilot testing, 4) construct validity, and reliability. Results. ENLASA-Nursing is an instrument consisting of 59 items divided into two parts. Part A: organizational structural components dimension, and Part B: organizational process dimension. The results obtained allowed for classifying each part as satisfactory in terms of face and content validity, with satisfactory internal consistency and an internal structure that recognized the conceptual elements of a healthy work environment supporting its content. Conclusions. ENLASA-Nursing is a valid and reliable instrument, promising for research and evaluation of healthy work environments for clinical nurses in the hospital setting in Colombia.


Working Environment, Nursing Methodology Research, nursing, Working Conditionsentorno de trabajo, enfermería, condiciones de trabajo, investigación metodológica en enfermeríaenfermagem, condições de trabalho, pesquisa metodológica em enfermagem

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How to Cite
Peña Alfaro, B. S., & Arango Bayer, G. L. (2023). ENLASA-Nursing: an instrument for evaluating a healthy work environment. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 22.