Published Dec 30, 2024


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Carolina Saldarriaga Ramírez



This article focuses on describing the “andariegos”, a cultural group of gatherers known in the Colombian Andes region for their significance in the development of technical processes related to coffee cultivation, particularly during the harvest. Through an ethnographic research approach, the life dynamics and cultural practices of these “andariegos” gatherers were analyzed, distinguishing them from other coffee laborers in terms of their connection to the land and family. Sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with “andariegos” gatherers and coffee producers in the municipality of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Field observations and bibliographic review were also carried out. The findings reveal that “andariegos” gatherers significantly differ from coffee farming peasants in their practices and way of life. Their relationship with the land and family exhibits distinctive characteristics that highlight a distinct subsistence model, identity, and attachment compared to other rural laborers.


cultura cafetera, recolectores de café, etnografía, caficultura, andariegosCoffee Culture, Coffee Pickers, Ethnography, Coffee Cultivation

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How to Cite
Saldarriaga Ramírez, C. (2024). Wanderers: Cultural Practices of Itinerant Coffee Pickers in the Municipality of Pereira, Colombia. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 37.