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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


The journal Health Management and Policies (RGPS) posts unpublished and original works that contribute to the study and reflection on public health, health systems, health policy and health service management.

It Accepts contributions in Spanish, English or Portuguese.


Preparation of submission checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Works who do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors:

  • The work has not been published and has not been submitted for evaluation or for publication to any other journal. It does not have conflicts of interest or any problems of authorship.
  • A letter addressed to the editor is included in which the unpublished nature of the writing is clarified; all authors know and agree with the content and permission is granted to reproduce the text, graphics or any other material that has reserved rights.
  • The user license duly signed by the main author is attached as an additional file. (Check and download the Partial Use License form).
  • To guarantee the anonymous evaluation, the text does not have the name of the authors. The author's name has also been removed from the properties of the document. (See the File menu in Microsoft Word.)
  • The information about authors is included in the independent file including: title of the article, name of the authors, brief resume of each author's sheet indicating institutional affiliation and email (maximum one paragraph) and ORCID.
  • In the same file can be included additionally: pertinent information if it is a research project, presentations at events, acknowledgments, collaborations, clarifications, conflict of interests.
  • The manuscript is sent in .DOC or .DOCX format with file identified with the title of the article.
  • The text has a maximum length of 8,000 words and includes an abstract (maximum of 250 words in the original language of the article), keywords, text, tables or tables and bibliography.
  • The text does not contain figures, graphics, illustrations, images or formulas. These are sent separately as attachments in the original version, identified with the title of the article and consecutive numbering.
  • The text meets the citation requirements described in the guidelines for authors about the journal.
  • The author/s should mention the category of work they are applying for.


Categories of works

RGPS accepts contributions in the following categories:

  • Research article: document that presents in detail the original results of research projects.
  • Review article: document that analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research, in order to account for the progress and development trends on a particular issue or problem in the areas of interest of the journal. It is characterized by presenting a clear indication of the method and a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  • Bibliographic review: descriptive and critical presentation of recent publications of interest on the topics of the journal.


Presentation and articles extension

  1. General features 
  • The document must have a maximum of 8,000 words including: abstract, text, tables or tables (excluding graphics, figures, illustrations and formulas) and bibliography. In the case of book or journal reviews, the maximum length is 700 words.
  • The document must be sent in Word, font Times New Roman 12 pts., Line spacing 1,5, letter size (margins of 2.5cm lower and upper, 3 cm left and right) and vertical orientation.
  • In an independent file the article is presented including: title; names of the authors with their institutional affiliation indicating contact details, email, curriculum and ORCID.
  • If the article is the product of an investigation, it is necessary to mention the objective of the project, the financing entities, the number and date of the contract, the execution time of the project and the institutions involved. If it was presented at an event, the full name of the event, the sponsoring institutions, as well as the city and the date on which it took place should be specified (make sure that the document has not been published in abstracts of the event printed or on the web). Include, if relevant, acknowledgments, collaborations, clarifications and declaration of conflict of interest. 
  1. Title

Only the title of the work should appear on the first page of the text. It should have an extension between 20 and 25 words and be descriptive, cover the content of the work and make reference to time and place.

  1. Abstract and keywords

The manuscript must have an abstract in the original language of maximum 250 words, which should provide information about the context of the study, specify the objective, the methodology and basic procedures, relevant results and main conclusions. A maximum of six (6) keywords must be included.

For the selection of keywords in Spanish or Portuguese, use the descriptors in health sciences (DECS) of BIREME (http://decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm).

For the selection of keywords in English, use the Medical Subject Heading (MESH), Index Medicus (http: //www.nlm.nih.gov/ mesh / meshhome.html).

Note. RGPS offers the translation service of the original language abstracts to the other two languages ​​of the journal.

  1. Structure

The articles will have the following structure, which can change according to the nature of the work: introduction that includes the problem, the justification, the objectives and the theoretical foundations; a section of materials and methods in which the type of study, the sources of information, the universe, the population and sample, the categories and variables, the processing and the analysis of the information are indicated; a results section; a final section of discussion and conclusions; cited references.

The documents must be written in clear and fluent language. The footnotes are not desirable. If they are required, they should be used only for clarifications and not for bibliographic references, and be included as endnotes.

  1. Pictures and graphics

Tables, graphs, figures, illustrations and formulas should be restricted to those strictly necessary (maximum 8); go with their respective legends (title and sources), indicate the units of measurement and number consecutively.

The tables are included in the text at the end of the document in separate pages. The data to which it refers must be presented in an organized manner, explained by themselves and their content must not repeat the information in the text.

In the body of the document will indicate where to locate tables, charts, graphs, illustrations, figures, images and formulas.

Tables, graphs, figures, illustrations, images and formulas must be submitted as independent files, taking into account the guidelines shown in the following table:







Figure (bar graph, lines, cakes, rings or surfaces)

XLSX, XLS, PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX (JPG, PNG, PDF not very recommended)


Figure (photographs, illustrations, maps or digitalized images)

JPN, TIFF, GIF, EPS, PNG with minimum 300dpi (dots per inch)


Figures (logos of institutions and other vector images)



Formulas (formulas and equations)



  1. Bibliographic references

The journal adheres to the Vancouver bibliographic standards. References should be numbered in sequence according to their order of appearance in the text, by means of Arabic numerals placed in parentheses.

The list of references begins on a separate sheet at the end of the document, following the indications of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: Uniformity requirements for manuscripts sent to biomedical journals, for which you can consult the following links:







The main authors must submit their articles through the OJS platform (Online Submissions System) and complete the 5 steps for their submission. They must attach backup of all the files to the journal´s email revistagpsalud@javeriana.edu.co

The authors are responsible for the contents, judgments and opinions of their manuscripts.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.

In accordance with Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 of Data Protection and concordant norms, the Owner is informed that, by means of the voluntary supply and registration of their data in the channels enabled in the Website, it authorizes them to be incorporated in a database of data responsibility of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana being treated with the purpose of carrying out associative, cultural, recreational, sports and social activities, management of social media and / or editorial content, historical, scientific or statistical purposes, administrative procedures and publications and management accounting, tax, administrative and advertising and commercial prospection - Own advertising. Also, I authorize so that my personal images can be published in print media, audiovisual, website and institutional social networks.

It is optional to provide information on Sensitive Data, understood as those that affect privacy or generate some type of discrimination, or about minors.

The Holder data treatment policy, as well as the substantial changes that occur in it, may be consulted through the following email: usodedatos@javeriana.edu.co. Similarly, the same will be kept updated on the website of the entity, whose address is http://www.javeriana.edu.co/documents/10179/9567882/Acuerdo+No+657.pdf.

You can exercise the rights of access, correction, suppression, revocation or claim for infringement on the data, by writing to Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, to the e-mail address usodedatos@javeriana.edu.co, indicating in the subject the right that you wish to exercise, or by ordinary mail sent to the address: Carrera 7 # 40 - 62 in the City of Bogotá.