As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Author Guidelines
1. Characteristics
Articles, reports, translations, book reviews have to be unpublished. Otherwise, republications must be justified in writing, along with previous editor’s written authorization and complete reference to the original publication.
1.1. Articles
Articles must be delivered without predetermined styles. The maximum length is 10,000 words, including footnotes, plus bibliography.
Heading: title of the paper; name and e-mail of the author; institutional affiliation and city of its facilities; abstract of the article, both in Spanish and English, in less than 150 words; five (5) keywords also in Spanish and English. A brief description of the author(s), their last title obtained, their areas of interest and two recent and complete bibliographic references of their own –articles and works– must be included in a footnote.
Subtitles: must be numbered.
Textual quotations of more than four (4) lines: transcripted in an independent paragraph, indented on the left margin, single line spacing, without quotation marks or italics.
Footnote calls: Arabic superscript numbers (preferably 8 pts., elevation 2 pts.) consecutively arranged and placed before the punctuation mark.
Footnotes: Will only be used for clarifying or giving additional data; not for bibliographic references. Those will be within the body of the text (APA style).
Reference citations: APA style.
Graphic material: All graphic material must be submitted in an independent file of graphic editing mentioning the name of program employed.
Bibliographic citation: They appear at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, and must adhere to the norms of the APA Style as it follows:
Surname, initials –upper and lower case–. (Year of publication). Title of the book –italics–. City: Editorial.
Williamson, t. (2000). Knowledge and its Limits. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Books with translator
Surname, initials of the author –upper and lower case–. (Year of publication). Title of the book –italics–. (trans. Initials name and surname of the translator). City: Editorial.
Arendt, H. (1993). La condición humana. (trans. R. Gil Novales). Barcelona: Paidós.
Books with Editor
Surname, initials –upper and lower case–. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title of the book –italics–. City: Editorial.
Going, C.; Lambert, P. & Tansey, C. (Eds.). (1982). Caring About Meaning: Patterns in the Life of Bernard Lonergan. Montreal: Thomas More Institute.
Book chapter
Surname, initials –upper and lower case–. (Year of publication). title of the Chapter. Title of the Book –italics– (pages of the chapter). City: Editorial.
Baier, A. (1995). What do Women Want in a Moral Theory? Moral Prejudices (pp. 1-17). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Book articles with editor or compilator
Surname, initials of the author –upper and lower case–. (Year of publication). Title of the Chapter. Initials of the editor or compilator. Surname (Comp. / Ed.), Title of the book –italics– (pages of the article). City: Editorial.
Davidson, D. (2001). Externalisms. P. Kotatko, P. Pagin & G. Segal (Eds.), Interpreting Davidson (pp. 1-16). Stanford: CSLI Publication.
Articles in printed journals
Surname, initials of the author –upper and lower case–. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the journal –italics–, volume (number), pages of the article.
Chalmers, D. J. (1995). Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2(3), pp. 200-219.
Surname, initials of the author –upper and lower case–. (Year of the thesis). Title. Master/PHD thesis. University. (Unpublished).
Capdevila, P. (2005). Experiencia estética y hermenéutica. tesis doctoral. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. (Sin publicar).
Electronic sources
All electronic texts (book, book chapter, journal article or book article) must be referenced in the same manner as their in-paper homologues, but the doi or url of the retrieval must be mentioned at the end of the reference.
For instance, for a journal article:
Surname, initials of the author –upper and lower case–. (Year of the publication). Title of the article. Title of the journal –italics–, volume (number), pages of the article. doi / url
Article with a DOI
Walton, R. (2016). Niveles de la teleología y la historia en la fenomenología de Husserl. Enrahonar. An International Journal of Theoretical and Practical Reason, 57, 100-120. doi: 10.5565/rev/enrahonar.869
Article with no DOI
Mansbach, A. (1997). “El inmortal” de Borges a través de la concepción heideggeriana de la muerte y de la individualidad. Revista Hispánica Moderna JSTOR. Retrieved August 23, 2010, from:
1.2. Book Reviews
Reviews cannot exceed eight pages length; size: letter, 3 centimeters left and right margins; format: Word; fonts: Times New Roman 12 points; 1.5 line spacing.
Translations must be submitted together with a note – no longer than five pages–specifying the original source of the text and any other necessary clarification. The translator must attach written authorization for the translation and its release.
2. Submission of Contributions
Contributions should be submitted through the journal’s website, using the “Make a Submission” (“Enviar un artículo”) button at the home page:
For further information, or if you have any issues uploading your submission, please contact us at any of the following e-mail addresses:;;
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This journal is registered under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Thus, this work may be reproduced, distributed, and publicly shared in digital format, as long as the names of the authors and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana are acknowledged. Others are allowed to quote, adapt, transform, auto-archive, republish, and create based on this material, for any purpose (even commercial ones), provided the authorship is duly acknowledged, a link to the original work is provided, and it is specified if changes have been made. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana does not hold the rights of published works and the authors are solely responsible for the contents of their works; they keep the moral, intellectual, privacy, and publicity rights.
Approving the intervention of the work (review, copy-editing, translation, layout) and the following outreach, are granted through an use license and not through an assignment of rights. This means the journal and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana cannot be held responsible for any ethical malpractice by the authors. As a consequence of the protection granted by the use license, the journal is not required to publish recantations or modify information already published, unless the errata stems from the editorial management process. Publishing contents in this journal does not generate royalties for contributors.
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