Published Aug 6, 2024


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Román Guridi



Can spiritualities within the Catholic Church contribute to more sustainable lifestyles? In response to this question, this article explores the potential of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola to bring about an ecological conversion. Along with the complexity approch of the question (as there is no evidence for the influence of religious motives in decision-making towards sustainability, nor is there a unified understanding of what ecological conversion implies), four response strategies are analyzed in search of criteria to answer the question: an examination of the life experiences of Saint Ignatius; an analysis of the theology underlying his main meditations and contemplations; the values favored by the Spiritual Exercises relevant to the ecological crisis; and the possibility of thematically inserting the ecological question in some key moments of the process.
While the first two strategies show the non-contradiction of the Spiritual Exercises with the growing ecological sensitivity, the last two indirectly enable the text and thereby the process to provoke an ecological conversion. To elaborate an instructive Directory how to propose the Spiritual Exercises in an ecological perspective that gathers current experiences and practices is still pending. The analysis of the four response strategies serves as a matrix for examining the approach of any other Christian spirituality in view of the ecological conversion of its practitioners.


Spiritual Exercises, Ecological Conversion, Ecotheology, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Ecological spirituality, Ignatian spiritualityEjercicios Espirituales, conversión ecológica, ecoteología, San Ignacio de Loyola, espiritualidad ecológica, espiritualidad ignaciana

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How to Cite
Guridi, R. (2024). Ecological conversion through the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Theologica Xaveriana, 74.