Theologica Xaveriana gives account of academic work and research in the area of theology and related fields. It promotes the exploration of horizons of liberation and human fulfillment, favors open interdisciplinary, interreligious and intercultural dialogue, and by doing so, it offers services to the theological community, to the Church and to society.

The proposed articles express theoretical and practical options toward knowledge, based on scientific rigor, the effort to expand the frontiers of knowledge, respect for difference and the free expression of ideas.

Target audience
Theologians, researchers, teachers, university students and all those who are interested and contribute to the field of Theology and to the plurality of its expressions.

Theologica Xaveriana publishes articles related to the fundamental fields of theological knowledge as well as papers that are relevant to Theology because of their content and approaches.

Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian.

Characteristics of the works 
The articles published by Theologica Xaveriana are characterized by their scientific rigor, that is, their methodical, objective, analytical and interpretative spirit, their logical and progressive structure, their clear argumentation, their solid bibliographic support—based on respect of intellectual property and copyright—and their contribution to theological knowledge. Therefore, such works will not only be evaluated by the relevance of their contents, according to the purposes of the journal but also by their academic rigor, their originality and the clarity of their exposition.

Types of Articles
Research articles. They present finished or ongoing research projects. Their structure usually contains four sections: Introduction, Methodology, Research Results and Conclusions.

Reflection articles. They present research results on a specific topic, from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective, with an appropriate use of primary or secondary sources. 

Review articles. They analyze, systematize and integrate the results of published or unpublished research related to a field of knowledge, in order to give an account of its developments and trends. They present a thorough bibliographic review of at least fifty references.

Documents. These papers are drawn primarily from academic events on Theology. 

Book reviews. These papers are based on the review of recent publications that may be of interest to the readers of the Journal.