Bioengineering and chemical engineering

Control charts to establish and monitor proficiency in the detection of pulmonary B-lines with Point of Care Ultrasound

Sandra Patricia Usaquén-Perilla, MSc, Deliana Ropero-Rojas, PhD, Jaime Mosquera-Restrepo, PhD, Jonathan D. Kirsch, MD, Zachary P. Kaltenborn, MD; José Isidro García-Melo, PhD; Lyda Elena Osorio-Amaya, PhD

Electrical and computer engineering

IoT System for Monitoring of Workers at Height

Damián Camilo Martínez-Martínez, MSc, María Catalina Riaño-Jaramillo, MSc, Diego Mendez-Chaves, PhD, Alejandra González-Correal, PhD, Margarita Narducci-Marín, PhD

Civil and environmental engineering

Mechanical, Thermal, and Acoustic Properties of Mortars and Concretes Modified with Furcraea Cabuya Trel Juice (Fique Juice)

Julián Orlando Herrera Ortiz, Ricardo Alfredo Cruz Hernández, Oscar Javier Begambre Carrillo, Luis Zapata Orduz

Assessment of a Hot-Mix Asphalt Using Recycled Concrete Aggregate. Case of Study: High Temperature Climate

Hermes Ariel Vacca-Gamez, José Elvert Rubio-Tafur, Hernán Camilo Moreno-Chaparro, Hugo Alexander Rondon-Quintana

Increasing the pH of Coffee Wet Mill Wastewater Using Eggshells

Oscar Efrén Ospina Zúñiga, Alejandra Aldana Giraldo, Omar Eduardo Rojas García

Engineering and education

Special Section: Engineering Education

SEMAT Essence Game: A Fun Way to Learn about the SEMAT Initiative

Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo, PhD, Grissa Vianney Maturana González, Msc, Johnathan Mauricio Calle Gallego, Msc

Special Section: CELALE

Prospects of the Agro-Industrial Cluster for the Commercialization of Bananas. Case Study in Ecuador

José Armando Pancorbo-Sandoval, Jorge Luis Tinoco González, Sonia Emilia Leyva Ricardo, Sebastiana del Monserrate Ruiz Cedeño

A QUECHERS method for sample preparation in the analysis of pesticides in tomato

Sofía Consepción Tuárez-Benitez, Alex Dueñas-Rivadeneira, Enrique Ruiz-Reyes, Joan Manuel Rodríguez Díaz

Support vector machines for predicting the level of integration in agri-food chains

Douglas Andrés Verduga-Alcívar, Emanuel Guillermo Muñoz-Grillo, Erik Orozco-Crespo, Teresita López-Joy, Ana Julia Acevedo-Urquiaga, Neyfe Sablón-Cossío