Industrial and systems engineering

Study of Concentration-depth Profiles of the Titanium and Nitrogen Ions by SRIM/TRIM Simulation

Andrea Carolina Pabón-Beltrán, Felipe Sanabria-Martínez, Custodio Vásquez-Quintero, Msc, José José Barba-Ortega, PhD, Ely Dannier Valbuena-Niño, PhD

Resources Allocation in Service Planning Using Discrete-Event Simulation

Mauricio Becerra-Fernández, PhD, Milton M. Herrera, PhD, Cristian Trejos, MSc, Olga R. Romero, MSc

Bioengineering and chemical engineering

Impact of Thickness on the Optical Properties of Selenium Thin Films

Shiva Udachan, PhD, Narasimha Ayachit, PhD, Lingappa Udachan, PhD, Raghunanda Halembre, MSc

Electrical and computer engineering

Civil and environmental engineering

Biofilms Production from Avocado Waste

Horacio Sánchez, Wilmer Ponce, Msc, Beatriz Brito, Msc, William Viera, Msc, Ricardo Baquerizo, Msc, Maria Antonieta Riera, Msc

Support Vector Machines Used for the Prediction of the Structural Conditions of Pipes in Bogota’s Sewer System

Nathalie Hernández, MSc, Nicolas Caradot, PhD, Hauke Sonnenberg, MSc, Pascale Rouault, PhD, Andrés Torres, PhD

Special Section: Health Care Engineering

Reported Lead Levels in Different Environmental Matrices in Colombia

Carol-Brigitte Hernández-Rodríguez, Esp, Alvaro-Martín Gutiérrez-Malaxechebarría, PhD, Carlos-Alfonso Zafra-Mejía, PhD

Classification of the Angular Position During Wrist Flexion-extension Based on EMG Signals

María Alexandra Fajardo-Perdomo, MSc, Verónica Guardo Gómez, BSc, Alvaro David Orjuela-Cañon, PhD, Andrés Felipe Ruiz-Olaya, PhD

Prototype for Knee-load Relief through Ischiatic Support

Juan Pablo España-Aguilar, Msc, Alejandra Paola Polanco-Aguilar, MSc, German Yamhure-Kattah, MSc

Design of a CPFR, Location, Inventory and Routing Approach to Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Medicine Supply Network Planning

Francisco Andrés Chuchoque-Urbina, MSc, Martha Patricia Caro-Gutierrez, PhD, Carlos Eduardo Montoya-Casa, PhD

Special Section: Wetland Systems

Nutrient Concentrations in Macrophytes from Lotic and Lentic Environments of the Middle Parana River, Argentina

Hernán Ricardo Hadad, PhD, María Alejandra Maine, PhD, María de las Mercedes Mufarrege, PhD, Gisela Alfonsina Di Luca, PhD, Gabriela Cristina Sanchez, MSc

Potential Uses of Stormwater Runoff Sedimentgs Retained in a Constructed-Wetland/Storage-Tank

Maria Alejandra Pimiento, MSc, Jaime Andrés Lara-Borrero, PhD, Andrés Torres, PhD