Published Jul 12, 2023


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Carlos Yecid Bernal Cárdenas

Viviana Marycel Céspedes Cuevas

Jennifer Rojas Reyes



Introduction: acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is characterized by different symptoms, so the experience varies from person to person. Dodd’s Conceptual Model of Symptom Management addresses this aspect that requires testing within nursing practice. Objective: to test the postulates of the symptom experience dimension of Dodd’s Conceptual Model of Symptom Management in persons with acute coronary syndrome. Methods: theoretical testing by means of structural equations. A total of 256 individuals with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, selected by stratified probability sampling, participated. Clinical and sociodemographic data were collected, and symptom assessment and response were measured with five valid instruments. Statistical analysis was performed with absolute adjustment, incremental adjustment and parsimony adjustment from which a structural equation model was derived. Results: the bidirectional relationship between symptom severity (assessment) and decision making (symptom response) was tested. A model was formed that explains 44% of the variance on decision making. This variable is also influenced by other variables such as cognitive evaluation and personal control. Conclusion: this conceptual model allowed us to understand the dimension of symptom experience in patients with acute coronary syndrome, proving its postulates in practice.


structural equation modeling, decision making, symptom assessment, cardiovascular nursing (Descriptors in Health Sciences)modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, toma de decisiones, evaluación de síntomas, enfermería cardiovascular (DeCS)modelagem de equações estruturais, tomada de decisão, avaliação de sintomas, enfermagem cardiovascular (DeCS)

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How to Cite
Bernal Cárdenas, C. Y., Céspedes Cuevas, V. M., & Rojas Reyes, J. (2023). Symptom Experience in Acute Coronary Syndrome: Testing a Conceptual Model. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 25.
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