Published Jan 19, 2023


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Gina Martinez Acosta

Hsirley Calderón Bejarano

Norma Yaneth Noguera Ortiz




Introduction: The preparation for motherhood contributes to the phenomenon of becoming a mother. Objective: To describe the meanings that women who are mothers for the first-time attribute to the preparation for motherhood. Method: Qualitative descriptive and exploratory study that used open interviews with women who were experiencing the process of becoming a mother for the first time. A convenience sample was used, and the sample size was determined by theoretical saturation. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The content analysis technique was applied to the stories and all women signed and informed consent authorizing their participation. Results: Ten women were interviewed, and five categories emerged from their reports: 1) Learning the task of being a mother; 2) Support; 3) Attributes of preparation; 4) Relationship with partner; and 5) Relationship with the mother. The preparation for motherhood is permeated and shaped by a series of encounters and disagreements in a network of interactions with the partner, the woman’s mother, the baby, and herself. Conclusions: Preparation for motherhood requires the support of other significant people at various moments of the process; it is a phenomenon in which learning is achieved. It goes through emotional aspects and modifies the relationship with the couple and with the mother.


pregnancy, maternal behavior, mother-child relations, maternal-child nursingembarazo, conducta materna, enfermería maternoinfantil, relaciones madre-hijogravidez, comportamento materno, relações mãe-filho

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How to Cite
Martinez Acosta, J. H., Calderón Bejarano, H., & Noguera Ortiz, N. Y. (2023). Becoming a Mother and Preparation for Motherhood. An Exploratory Qualitative Study. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 25.
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