Published Jul 1, 2018

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Jorge Eduardo Narváez Bonnet



Property and casualty insurance are governed by the principle of indemnity; in practice, in several occasións insureds and beneficiaries experience a feeling frustration when is ascertained the settlement of the recoverable loss, which obeys to the way this principle works under property and casualty insurance, Though, there are arguments of different type supporting such fact, full and complete indemnification which is poper on the area of civil liability, is not applicable in the same way under property and casuality insurance, since it is tried to verify in this study, the patrimonial consequences of any damage as thet are valued and indemnified under a property and causlty insurances, can be much more limited.

The task of corroborating this assertio, does imperiously leads to define the area where full and complete indemnification related to civil liability applies and to ecaluate how principle of indemnity arising from property and casualty insurance contracts works and therefore, the extensión and content of the protection granted under this type of insurance contracts.


Full and complete indemnification under civil liability, measure of indemnity under property and casualty insurances, exexceptions to the principle of indemnityle, limitationsIndemnización integral en la responsabilidad civil, medida de la indemnización en los seguros de daños, excepciones al principio indemnizatorio, limitantes, seguro de daños, indemnización por perjuicios, responsabilidad civil

How to Cite
Narváez Bonnet, J. E. (2018). Análisis crítico del principio indemnizatorio en los seguros de daños. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 20(34), 139–174. Retrieved from
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