Published Dec 30, 2011

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Hugo Lens Sotelo

Antonio Rabosto Quevedo



This work analyzes the Law 18.412, approved by Uruguay on november 2008, it
regulates the obligatory insurance of vehicles and covers the liability derived on injury caused by a land traffic vehicle.
There are described the features requires and administrative proceeding in order
the victims may claim and which persons are legitimized. It analyze the judicial proceeding to claim based on this law, the features of the proceeding, indemnification, advantages and limitations.


Daños, indemnización, Ley 18.412, obligatorio, seguro, Uruguay, legislación, Seguro de Responsabilidad CivilDamage, indemnity, Law 18.412, obligatory, insurance, Uruguay, Legislation, Civil liability insurance policy

How to Cite
Lens Sotelo, H., & Rabosto Quevedo, A. (2011). Reflexiones sobre la Ley 18.412 de Uruguay - Ley de seguro obligatorio de responsabilidad civil por daños corporales (SOA). Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 20(35). Retrieved from
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