Published Dec 30, 2011

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Hilda Esperanza Zornosa Prieto



The civil liability insurance policy that will contemplate the legal and jurisprudential progress of the institution in Colombia will be analyzed throughout this manuscript.
For that purpose such insurance policy will be analyzed from a conceptual approach and its regulatory background and its present features will be discussed.
It is worth to note that as the “raw material” of the civil liability insurance is the civil liability in itself, the determination on whether the features of coverage of the insurance sector respond or not to risk exposure levels of potential causers of the loss will have to be determined throughout the study.
For that reason, we will go over and clarify the scope of coverage and we will analyze the purpose of the policy in the legal ambit, focusing our analysis in the general basic contractual aspects and in some particular aspects of civil liability such as the one required by public contracting and the one that is mandatory for the activities of transportation of passengers by land in which contractual and torts coverage is combined.
As to the rest and given the fact that this insurance modality is currently regulated by Colombian laws and it has been the object of several amendments when tackling the different topics of this paper, we will make a reference to the type of insurance, interests, risks, insured and beneficiary.


Civil liability insurance policy, evolution, jurisprudence, regulation, coverage, Contractual AspectsSeguro de responsabilidad civil, evolución, jurisprudencia, regulación, cobertura, Aspectos contractuales, Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil

How to Cite
Zornosa Prieto, H. E. (2011). El Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil Su evolución Normativa y Jurisprudencial en Colombia. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 20(35). Retrieved from
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