Published Nov 15, 2009

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Alejandro Vigil Iduate



The return action on the part of the insurance companies or entities insurance
allows them to these to claim to the causing of a damage for which must to get
back its insured, and this way to attempt the retrieval of that paid.

With the analysis of their constituent requirements, their legislative implementation, and the study of judicial sentences you tune, to what we add the analysis of the differences with the subrogation right, it is demostrated their utility and necessity.

Three sentences of the Room of the Economic thing of the Popular Supreme
Tribunal are studied; the No. 113, of 30th April of 1998, the No. 311, of 31st
July of 1998, and the No. 392, of 20nd October 1998; all at the request of
Seguros Internacionales de Cuba (ESICUBA); and a sentence dictated by the
room of the Civil and Administrative of the Popular Provincial Tribunal of Ciego
de Ávila, the No. 52, 14th of August of 2006, at the request of the Empresa de
Seguros Nacionales (ESEN).


Compañías de seguros, sentencias, indemnización judicial, Seguro, acción, aseguradora, sentenciaInsurance companies, judgments, compensation(law), Insurance, action, insurance companies, judgment

How to Cite
Vigil Iduate, A. (2009). La acción de regreso de las compañías aseguradoras desde la visión judicial y legislativa cubana. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 18(31). Retrieved from
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