Published Oct 15, 2008

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Bernardo Botero Morales



Notwithstanding insurance law has its own legislation and activity, it may also be submerged and be diffused throughout the orbit of commercial law, but at the same time it comes part that area due to particular circumstances such as its growing expansion both in the public and the private sector. Therefore, the Theory of Risk is worth mentioning as example of the above mentioned expansion and the constant changing nature of insurance law outside of com- mercial law. Rules such as Law 45 of 1990, Law 35 of 1993 and Law 389 of 1997 are of great importance as the most representative amendments were introduced by [them]: non-solemnity and incorporation of the liability insur- ance policy.

The future of insurance law is seen by stressing out indemnification and lack of solemnity for completion, extending itself to respond to State economic needs and community protection. 


Contrato de seguros, actividad mercantil, legislación modificadora, expansiónInsurance policy, commercial business, amending legislation, expansion

How to Cite
Botero Morales, B. (2008). Estado actual y perspectiva del derecho mercantil en Colombia Presente y Futuro del Derecho de Seguros. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 17(29). Retrieved from
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