Published Feb 29, 2024


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Olga Francisca Salazar-Blanco

Adriana Lucía Valdéz-Fernández



This is a descriptive review and account of the state of the art which analyzed investigations,published from 2016 to March,2021,of the motivation for learning, in order to clarify the contrasts between the perceptions of the motivation of students and teachers.The descriptors “motivation learning and medical students” were employed, and 45 documents were reviewed.The investigation followed three phases: contextualization,analysis and interpretation.It spotted an interest in the study of teacher-student relations, active didactic methods,the curriculum and the influence of the learning environment on motivation.It proposes a strengthening of the relevance of the internal and external curriculum by experiences which motivate the students.


motivation, learning, university students, medical educationmotivación, aprendizaje, estudiante universitario, formación médica

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How to Cite
Salazar-Blanco, O. F., & Valdéz-Fernández, A. L. (2024). Motivation, learning and the curriculum in medical education: state of the art. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 17, 1–22.

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