Published May 14, 2024


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María del Pilar Vergel-Castilla

Sandra Liliana Londoño-Calero



This research article discusses the manner in which artists learn, teach and investigate, with the aim of understanding how university practices, the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Colombian university educational system acknowledge or do not acknowledge their artistic products. Basing itself on a systematic exploration of their production in indexed publications and interviews with students, graduates, professors and teachers, this article presents an explanation which uses the tools of Grounded Theory and concludes that the arts are linked with science through the paradigm of complexity. By means of the Rhizome Theory of Deleuze and Guattari, we can explain how artists learn, teach and investigate in the arts.


Educational research, teaching methods, learning methods, art educationInvestigación pedagógica, método de enseñanza, método de aprendizaje, educación artística

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How to Cite
Vergel-Castilla, M. del P., & Londoño-Calero, S. L. (2024). Transitions and New Viewpoints in the Investigation of the Visual Arts in Higher Education. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 17, 1–23.