Published Dec 28, 1997

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Sarada K. Sarma



In order to evaluate the seismic hazard of an engíneertng site we need the following information: a) Historical seismicity of the region: b) Geology and tectonics of the region: e) A mathematical (statistical) model of analysis; d) Local soil conditions at the site. In general, the hazard analysis concerns wíth the first three factors while the local soil conditions are considered as a special case íf necessary. The study begíns with the establishment of the region of interest around the síte. which in general could be large, say 5° x 5° or even bigger, The idea is to establish regíons within this area which can be called homogeneous in the seismic sense, Le. that the regíon belongs to the same tectonic province, the earthquakes within the area has the same sort of mechanisms.

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[6] OLIVERA C. (1974): "Seismic risk analysís" Earthquake Engg. Res. Center, Univ. Calif. Berkeley, Report Nº EERC 74-1.
How to Cite
Sarma, S. K. (1997). Seismicity and Hazard Evaluation of a Site. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 1(2), 9–24. Retrieved from