Published Oct 2, 2024


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Magda Viviana Monroy Siva

Christian Ricardo Zea Forero

Luisa Alejandra Rodríguez Silva

Karen Daniela Vargas Sánchez



The human being in his evolutionary process has turned his hands into a fundamental instrument for his survival and relationship with the environment. The handgrip strength is an indicator of the physical capacity and well-being of the human being, which is why it is relevant to characterize it. The objective of this article was to determine the association between handgrip strength and anthropometric hand measurements in a group of administrative workers in the city of Bogotá.  The participants were 315 people between 18 and 63 years old, who were measured with eight dimensions of the hand and the handgrip strength in both hands.  Through a linear regression it was established that the anthropometric measures that have a significant relation with the grip strength are MMA, EM, DA and CMM for the dominant hand, and MMA, EM, DA for the non-dominant hand. Anthropometric measures were found to have a 52% incidence on dominant hand strength, and a 50.6% incidence on non-dominant hand strength. It was also concluded that men report greater strength than women, and in general there is greater strength in the dominant hand.


fuerza de agarre, antropometría de mano, trabajadores administrativosHandgrip Strength, Antropometric Dimension, Workers

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How to Cite
Monroy Siva, M. V., Zea Forero, C. R., Rodríguez Silva, L. A., & Vargas Sánchez, K. D. (2024). Associations Between Hand Anthropometric Measurements and Handgrip Strength in a Group of Administrative Workers in the City of Bogotá, Colombia. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 28.
Industrial and systems engineering